The environment is our home sweet home

For the defined certification purpose, an organization with an environmental management system manage its activities towards the environment.

What are the expected results of ISO 14001 certifications?

For the defined certification purpose, an organization with an environmental management system manage its activities towards the environment and demonstrates its commitment to limit pollution, to apply legal requirements, and to continuously improve its environmental management system and consequetly its environmental performance.


And what does ISO 14001 certification mean?

This Certification is expected to ensure that the organization has an environmental management system suitable to the nature of its activities, products and services and that it complies with the requirements of ISO 14001.

In particular, ISO 14001 certification has to demonstrate that the Company has:

    • defined an environmental policy suitable to the nature, size and environmental impacts of its activities and products and services. Sinergia’s Policy
    • defined the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services that it is able to control and/or influence those that could have a major environmental impact (including those involving suppliers and contractors).
    • has put in place procedures to identify environmental laws and other applicable requirements to define how they are applied to its environmental aspects and to keep the relevant information up to date.
    • has implemented effective controls to meet legal and other applicable requirements.
    • has defined environmental objectives that are measurable, where practicable, taking into account legal requirements and significant environmental factors, and has prepared dedicated programs to achieve these objectives.
    • ensures that all the employees are aware of the requirements of the environmental management system and are competent to carry out activities that may have important environmental impacts.
    • implemented procedures for internal communication, how to respond and communicate, if necessary, with the interested third parties.
    • ensures that all the employees are aware of the requirements of the environmental management system and are competent to carry out activities that may have important environmental impacts.
    • has established and (where possible) tested procedures to address emergencies that could impact the environment.
    • regularly assess compliance with legal requirements.
    • ensure that non-conformities are avoided and have procedures in place to deal with any of them, analyzing the causes of such non-compliance and eventually taking corrective action to avoid any recurrence.
    • has implemented effective management review procedures and internal audits.

We recognize ourselves in all these requirements, but we know we still have a long way to go to improve and optimize certain aspects of this environmental awareness and action. From now on, each of us is committed to achieve all the objectives listed above.


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