Sinergia is proud to have been awarded the supply of oil and water skids for reciprocating gas compressors from a loyal customer. Do you know why?

A loyal customer

It is always a satisfaction to be chosen from the same customer again. Sinergia continues to provide its engineering and packages to this client, becoming every time more aware of their needs and specs.

This proves reliability, attention to customer needs, and readiness for an evolving energy sector. Especially now the selection of suppliers according to their ESG score and their policy is a key activity toward sustainability.

An End-User actively engaged in the energy transition

The final application is an important project as the “advanced biofuels” of Repsol. The Spanish colossus is realizing the first advanced biofuels plant in Spain.
Advanced biofuels are known also as Second-generation biofuels, and they come from crop waste, from the agri-foom crop waste, from the agri-food industry, the organic fraction of municipal waste, or agroforestry crops in general.

Repsol declared they will produce 250.000 tons/year of biofuels, avoiding 900.000 tons/year of CO2 emission. These are very important numbers, and we are proud to give our contribution, even if a small one.

Sinergia commitment

Sinergia is committed to taking an active part in the journey toward Net Zero as well.

First, investing in company assets, increasing the efficiency of the production process and transferring this mission to all its employees and partners.

Second, researching for products and plants that can be perfectly and easily integrated inside the main players’ larger process. Especially in projects that will have a global impact, like Repsol advanced fuel.

We share their approach starting today to do what is feasible and sensitively positive, besides studying for longer-term more revolutionary solutions.

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