Our Dryer thinks outside the (heated) box

-40°C is too cold to produce plant ad Instrument Air?

If you can think outside the box, the answer is simple: no.

Many important industrial plants are installed in areas characterized by ambient and environmental adversities.
The large UREA plant in Samara region, where the ambient temperature may reach and even get below -40°C, is one of those cases.

Under these conditions, the production of utilities, especially with quite standard equipment (not fully engineered, that may have costs and delivery-times not compatible with the chemical industry) requires care for the details driven by know-how and experience.

Sinergia takes the customer by hand and helps him underlining the criticalities specific to their site and proposing proved and smart solutions.

For a new High Quality granulated Urea production facility, Sinergia manufactured a PLANT AIR SYSTEM composed of:


  • Nr. 2 Oil-free Air compressors, each one able to compress 2150 Nm³/h in worst inlet conditions.


And an INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM, composed of:

  • Nr. 1 Heatless dryer with pre- and post-filtration stages, able to produce 700 Nm³/h with a dew point of -53°C at the operating pressure of 7,5 barg.

The air compressors suction has been endowed with a properly sized and dedicated heating system, and all the wet parts have been insulated or electrically traced, in order to maintain the operations smooth and effective, even in the coldest eventualities.

Apart from mechanical precautions, Sinergia took care also of the production of all the necessary and mandatory documents for certification and exportation purpose, such as:

  • TR-CU code of construction
  • EAC certification
  • Technical Passport in dual language
  • Justification of Safety
  • Manual in dual language

Customer site, Country and sector are always taken into consideration by Sinergia, from the first phase of any bid.


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