RIO Exhibition 2022

Beyond unexpolored boundaries

Last week, Simone and Stefano participated in the Oil&Gas show in Rio de Janeiro.

Through them, we had the opportunity to explore a market which is relatively new for us.

And new is what is needed to move the bar always further.

And there is no better way to do so than meeting People, breathing the environment, and feeling the experiences of Companies that were once where we are now.
It was a pleasure receiving their appreciation for the approach, the attitude, and the products.
Brazil may look far on the map, but it is closer than it seems in the will to improve the consolidated technologies in Oil&Gas exploration in the most sustainable way, concerning nature and our Earth resources.
And in the desire to make concrete and quick steps toward Hydrogen and renewables.

And there we are. As always, #WeAreSinergia.

Obrigado a todos!

Thanks to Italian Trade Agency for the opportunity to show Italian Quality, even in Brazil!